With an untiring spirit to search His Kingdom in faith, 28 of the dynamic and vibrant young sisters of FMA province of Chennai – India (INM) gathered on 22 November 2014 at.St.Mary’s convent – Vellore for the seminar on “Faith Formation”.
Being the day of the first arrival of the six pioneers in India , we celebrated their faith during Mass and thanked God for them. The day’s event was commenced with the Word of God and note of joyful welcome by the participants. Rev.Sr.Josephine Rani Susai the Catechetical coordinator along with Rev.Sr.Chinnapan Gracy Fatima and Sr.Rev.Sr.Arokiam Gracy Rani, were the well trained and creative resource persons of the day. The day was enriched as the church documents were analyzed explained and discussed by the sisters. Rev.Sr.Gracy Fatima began the day explaining about “Die Veribum “the dogmatic constitution on Divine revelation. It helped us to understand the richness of God’s revelation in the Church.
Rev.Sr. Arokiam Gracy Rani continued to explain about “Sacrosanctum concilium “ the constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. She gave more reflection on active and conscious participation in the liturgy and the norms to follow and promote. She presented the seven chapters including sacraments, liturgy of the hour, sacred music and art. After lunch we had a lively recreation and that was followed by the session of Rev.Sr.Susai Josephine Rani. She led the participants to understand the dogmatic constitution on the church”Lumen Gentium”. She enkindled the spirit of faith by explaining the mystery of the church, people of God, hierarchical structure of church and the universal call to holiness. At the end of the day the participants were divided into groups and each group presented the synthesis of one document of the church in a creative way.
We thanked God for this beautiful day of enlightenment and the persons who felicitated, and the hosting community that welcomed us and each other for our joyful company. We thank our beloved Mother Provincial Sr.Soosai Magnificat for having given us this opportunity to enrich ourselves. We are grateful for the formation and accompaniment received in our Province.
Sr.John Bosco Edal Queen