KODAMBAKKAM – 12.08.2015
It was stupendous as Provincial Team to gather around our beloved Sr.Lucy Rose Ozhukayil, the Visiting General Councillor. We were 19 members including 7 lay team members who took part in the meeting. Sr.Margaret Sebastian lead us into a beautiful prayer moment with a Video song invoking the Spirit of the Lord to reside over us that we may become joyful heralds of God’s love and mercy to the youth and to the women of our times. At the end of the prayer moment we exchanged with one another a medal symbol – of love and appreciation. Sr.Josephine Rani Susai, the General coordinator, welcomed our Visiting Councillor with heart overflowing with joy and exuberance. She donned Mother with a shawl while Mrs.Vallery Patric offered a bouquet of flower. Sr.Veronica, the Secretary who accompanied her was also welcomed with a Shawl and a bouquet offered by Sr.Rayappan Sampooranam and Mrs.Brittilla.
After a solemn welcome each member introduced herself/himself mentioning the sector for which they hold the responsibility. Sr.Magnificat Soosai, our Mother Provincial, said few words about our Visiting Councillor who after being elected the second time as an Indian General Councillor, making her Canonical visit to our Province. Then staring from Sr.Josephine Rani Susai who presented the five years 2010-2015 report of the Provincial Team, every team member presented the report of their own sector. Formation, Catechetics, Academic coordination, youth pastoral – Groups and Movement, Educating Community, Past Pupils, VIDES, Salesian co-operators, women, young at Risk, Non formal, Mission Ad/ inter gentes, social development coordination, Human Rights education, social communication, English Academy and vocation Pastoral.
Each sector was well presented with the power point presentations and in a synthesised manner with the duration of 3 minutes each. After the presentation of few sectors we had a short break for photo session. At the end of the presentation of all the sectors, Sr.Lucy Rose Ozhukayil, the Visiting General Councillor addressed the Team members.
At the very start she appreciated the Provincial Sr.Magnificat Soosai and Sr.Josephine Rani Susai for the able coordination and continued to praise every team member who carries out the animation of the sectors in the Province. She really admired the presence of the Lay Team members who take active part in all the animation of the Province in the capacity of the Lay team members. As mother Province we set a good example of coordination especially with our lay collaborators.
She exhorted us to keep in mind that no sector is superior to the other instead the journey of the Province is one with the unified Pastoral plan. In the name of Mother General she urged to pay particular attention to vocation Pastoral and Missionary dimension of the Province to share the Good News with the young people for the other young people. She encouraged us to consider coordination as relational approach.
After her speech Sr.Celine Thimena proposed a vote of thanks in the name of all the Team members. Sr.Lucy Rose then paused to look into the photo albums and other documentations of all the sectors well displayed in the hall. With joy that filled our hearts we then dispersed thanking God for this wonderful chance of encounter our dear Sr.Lucy Rose and sharing with her the journey of the Provincial Team, the hard work of every member for the growth of our beloved Province.
May the Lord enable us to broaden our vision that we may be with the young missionaries of joy and hope to those in the periphery!
Sr.Josephine Rani Susai
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