Mother was delighted to see the work among the young women. Addressing them she exclaimed with joy: “Dearest Women, I am very glad to meet you. You are a sure sign of hope for your land. You, as women, are not only entrusted with the care of your family, but the care of humanity itself. John Paul II expressed it admirably in his apostolic letter Mulieris dignitatem (1988). Since then many years have passed and many steps have been taken on the path of promotion of woman and of man himself through her.
The existence of the Self-Help Group reveals the desire to pick up your story, not against man, but with him, towards a future of cooperation and harmony for the common good. It has been said that “those who educate a woman educate a nation.” I think you find yourself exactly in this condition of being useful to your people, striving to make them grow in autonomy, in the ability to build humanizing relationship going beyond the distinctions of race, origin, culture and religion, by the very fact that you commit yourself to grow and help each other.
We are all sisters and we are united by the same humanity; we share the same life on the planet. We want to make the world a beautiful place where everyone can live, a house in which life can mature and grow in love. We recognize that the resources of our planet are not infinite and we feel the responsibility for the life of the global environment for those who come after us.
In the Self-Help Group you are the protagonists of a new springtime in your village, in your city. You can overcome extreme poverty, injustice, inequality, alcoholism, illiteracy and the many forms of discrimination in the society.
You work to empower other women; you are at the service of human dignity, participating in literacy courses, vocational courses and other activities that give you useful skills, to practice in the family and in the society. Therefore you need resilience and self-esteem to address the problems that are always new and different, which the management of a family and a community requires. I encourage you to continue on this path that promotes; ensures human rights fulfilling your duties as daughters, wives and mothers. With your commitment, you give a name to the hope, make possible a more dignified and humane future, for generations to come.
Some of you are Christians. In this case you have the comfort of knowing that Jesus shares your suffering, he is close to your life and extends his hand to help you get up and walk towards the light. That light which He came to bring us and which the great religions indicate to any human wayfarer.
Wish your family for me: be industrious and courageous women of this wonderful land India.”
Mother exhorted all the women gathered in the auditorium to clap as loud as possible so that it may be heard by all the women in the world. In response, a thunderous clap echoed in the campus.
Mrs. Rani from Kodambakkam expressed her sentiments of gratitude for having shared with them lovely messages that sprang from a maternal heart to her children.
Reported by :
Sr.Ambrose Little Flower
& Sr. DeRose Amala
My greeting to all the srs and ladies. Thanks for your joy and welcome, liveliness, your gifts video clippings on your actions plans it helped me to know you and your life. Thanks for your lovely dance. You are the signs of hope for the world….. Mulieris dignitatem portrays it. Shg enables you to network with men and build a bright future. You want to be useful for your children. You have involved yourself in activities transcending differences and discriminations. We are all brother and sister. To live, love and create a beautiful world is our dream and we understand the responsibility to create a clean ambient. Shg membership creates a spring time for the villages in which you live. Poverty, injustice, eradication of alcoholism are some of your achievements after struggle. Through education and employment you are engaged… go forward in this journey. You are upholding humana rights….. on seeing your video I discovered that you have some talents. If you work together you will become a power and apowerful group. Encourage other women to join and work with you. Through your enthuciasm you can give encouragement for other women in the society. Share your dreams, encourage and strengthen one another. Your women movement gives a message to the world that networking we can achieve many things in our lives. Mutual love and respect we should grow. Some of yu are Christians. Tho we belong to various religions we have common goal and values. Jesus is the light. He is our light and he is the light to all religion. Only women can create ….. Net working is possible only with women. When we use our talents for the common good…. My thanks to all the sisters who co ordinate you. You too are helping our sisters. You help one another to live with encouragement. You work together to find new ways. This exp of yours will enable your children to grow with human dignity. Develop family spirit among your children. I entrust you to MHC. Let her lead you and help you in your daily life, protect you. Speak spontaneously with our lady. Start your journey in faith. Greet your family members and neighbours. I desire Your groups must increase. Thank you. God bless you. Let us join and clap hands so that the whole world may hear the clap.
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