Whatever you do to the least of my sisters and brothers you do for me

Health Ministry:In the province we have 6 Dispensaries directly serving the suffering humanity of the localities. There is one Leprosy centre in Arni taking care of the Lepers through comprehensive health care. Mainly the poor and the marginalized of the society are cared for in these centres. The Leprosy centre collaborates along with the Government and the GLRA – German Leprosy Relief Association India from Shenoy Nagar, Chennai – 30 which has its Head Quarters in Germany. It is a voluntary organization, funding 1/3 the cost for the care of the Leprosy patients.

They are provided with a Loan, without interest, for self-employment, They set up petty shops and weaving, raising of cattles, construction of new houses and renovation of houses. Our work in this centre is appreciated by them since it serves the poorest Leprosy patients, removes the social stigma and helps them to come up to the standard of other people in the locality.

Health MinistryThe sisters who are in- charge of these centres are qualified nurses, rendering service without discrimination of caste, creed, colour and language. In few of our centres there are mobile clinic to reach out to the interior parts of the villages. In a year there are about 15,000 sick people who approach our dispensaries. Along with curative healing, preventive and promotive health care are given through education, health camp counselling, exhibitions and Health care programme in the Schools. Thus the comprehensive Health care Programme is actualized on a small-scale basis. All those who approach our centres experience healing of body and soul, since the ministry is done with the spirit of Christ and the support of prayers of our sisters.

Village & Parish Animation

Today, many communities are rendering their services in villages. Efforts are being made to eradicate illiteracy and to avoid children becoming drop-outs.

Our presence is felt in the locality through various activities

  • Formation and participation in Basic Christian communities
  • Participation in the Parish councils
  • Preparation for the Sacraments and Liturgical animation
  • Catechesis
  • Health care
  • Women Welfare Projects
  • Evening Coaching Classes
  • Oratories